Welcome to MiMi’s Recovery Journey
Unlocking Potential ~ Blog
and discovering the best version of oneself.
About MiMi
My Beliefs & Experience
I believe in peer support guiding principles, including everyone has the ability to learn and grow, people think their way through life, what one focuses on he gives power to, beliefs determine one's behavior, and our greatest gift to our peers is that of shared lived experience.
I was first diagnosed in 1995 while studying Business Administration at West Virginia University, but it was during crisis in 2006 in Chesterfield County, VA that I found true exposure to recovery-oriented services and hope.
I founded Recovery Resources & Support in 2009 and spent the better part of the next decade facilitating Mental Health Recovery including Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) workshops, training hundreds of WRAP facilitators, and training peer support specialists in Virginia.
Currently, I’m 49, single, and living with two fur babies in Richmond, VA. Favorite pastimes include spending time with my family and friends, dancing, fishing, playing pool, photography, writing, graphic design, and doing just about anything in the sun. I’m a work in progress and I work hard every day to live well, stay independent, and enjoy a life with meaning.
I’m hoping that this blog will serve as both a healthy, creative outlet for me and a resource for individuals with mental health challenges like my own. May it inspire hope in others to know that they are not alone in this world, even when they may feel very much so. I may not be able to share EVERYTHING I’ve been through, because it’s been A-LOT, and some of it quite embarrassing, but maybe I can share enough for comfort!