Sooooo.... M and I are ok after all, but we still wait for some word.
It drives me bonkers when people suggest that when someone turns 18 they should be old enough to know everything. She is still so young.
Meds/vitamins dogs blog. Need a plan for work. Had been a really bad couple of days. Need to rock and roll today or my job may be at risk. Though it wouldn't be the end of the world to move on.
Tonight, getting a tree with the kids. 🥰
Tomorrow, I think a Christmas party with M?
Sunday, Chesterfield parade with Rachel and her kids and Rowan. And a wedding with M at 4.
A fun-filled few days!
Had some ideas of things to add to my book! And still have crazy yard work to do.
Feeling good. Happy with M. Worried about daughter. Writing quickly need to shower. 🥰
Have an amazing day! 🙏