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  • Writer's pictureMiMi

January 26, 2024 ~ TGIF!

Hey it's Friday!

Yesterday was a productive day. Slow start from being tired but got myself out and about and pulled in a good lead. Followed the work day up with a successful meeting with a new lead for MMM. Whew!

Home for a bit then met friends for an hour.

Spoke with E about going over what I wrote about him in my book. We're going to get together in a couple of weeks.

This morning a meeting for MMM and another work day planned.

I have a lot of work to do on the book this weekend if I'm going to meet my Jan 31 deadline. And I've already made many changes since it was last reviewed. I'm super proud of how it's shaping up! I'm going to update and include my wrap. 🥰 And share it with my kids.

I also have yard work and housework to do this weekend, and a few bills to pay. What else? These dogs need to the park. I need to create a Super Bowl party ad. Oh. And to go through paperwork. File some. Use some in my book. Get organized.

Need to get this body into the shower. Meds/vitamins. Dogs. Coffee. News. Facebook. Blog. Check check check!

Have an amazing day!

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