I have some good and some bad news.
Good news, I made it through yesterday’s workday, even with some progress (leads). I had to communicate with my sales manager some issues with our service which was difficult.
Bad news, I felt an unhealthy level of irritability, frustration and anger yesterday. Anxiety. I have been having trouble getting a prescription filled for an anxiety med.
Good news. I was able to get the prescription filled and, felt better after taking the med and a 10 min nap.
Good news. Even though I wasn’t really 100% I made myself go to the networking event and made it through. It was a work commitment and, a friend commitment. It was nice to see E. Turns out, I shared with him my struggles and he had the same. The exact same. He’s more successful professionally, but he has trouble with meds sometimes. He, like so many others, offered to talk more if I ever need to.
I chose to go to the event committed to, even though I had an offer of a movie from JD. He knows I’ve been down. It was tempting but, I’d already made a commitment and, I’m not sure my anxiety would permit me to easily sit through a movie. It was still nice to be asked.
I squeezed in a visit to the nail salon before the event. Sad I had to do that.
Good news. I succeeded in not drinking at the event OR picking anything up on the way home. It was tempting to stop at Bryan Park Bar and Grill and just drink soda, for a little more socialization. Even though I may have received some much needed hugs, there was also a chance I’d run into trouble. A man who tried to reach me last weekend. I didn’t want to see him so I came straight home.
More good news. After returning from the event, I took Riley for a walk and he let me take him for an extra long one. A 3 block radius. That was the first time in years!
And more good news. After watching Big Bang Theory for a couple of hours, I tried reading but couldn’t, I went to bed at 10 and slept until 6:30! Longest sleep in months or, I can’t remember when.
Bad news. Woke up feeling like I really may not be able to pull out of this without a hospitalization. I really am a mess. I’m worried I’ll lose my job though. Back to my wrap plan. I can do this!
This morning, I need to take my jeep for an inspection. This has been filling my head with anxiety. I’m afraid I need new tires and a battery. I did get paid today.
I’m feeling a little better than when I first woke up already after taking meds. Easy to forget my morning ones can be important. I guess what I’m doing may be working.
One thing that may have contributed to my heightened anxiety yesterday, like a dummy, since I woke at 4:30, before I knew it I’d finished a whole pot of coffee, in addition to the two cups that was left over from the day before. This is easy enough to avoid this morning.
Riley is fussy. I wonder if he’s fussy because he wants to walk, or he’s noticed he hasn’t received his random stick/bone/treat. Whatever it’s called. We ran out. Or I wonder what else may be on his mind. He’s even barking at me now! Fed. And the back door’s open, I think. If he needs to go out. I think I’ll try walking him.
I guess I’ll wrap up. I need to try to walk Riley, create an ad for the dugout, take the jeep for its inspection, plan a workday.
I’m grateful for my family and my friends and for the opportunity to try to prevent this crisis on my own, I think? Maybe people like me shouldn’t live alone.
Meds/vitamins. Riley. Coffee. Water. News. Facebook. Blog.
Let’s try to have a good day.