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November 1, 2023 ~ November!

So I started blogging 3 times yesterday and didn't complete a post. Just so busy! Tuesday morning sales meetings, hit the road for 6 visits after and a stop for leggings because a cold front came in and it was time for trick-or-treating.

Drive to Fort Eustis with the kids and E. We had a great time even though it was cold and rainy. Our little cowgirl had a ball.

I came home to rest after and watch some Suits. I'm almost done with the series finally.

I did something this week I'm excited about. Bought myself a used flute to mess around with. I just stumbled on a hobby/used books store and thought I'd drop in for a new jigsaw puzzle. Saw instruments and went in that direction instead. My goal is to fill up some time at home in the evenings because I've been going out too much. Just bored at home. We'll see if I take to it again. I've thought a lot about it over the past year. It's also in the back of my mind that I might play with other musicians as a hobby if I do.

Hump Day today and it's cold again, only to be in the 50s. And Weds nights are pool league nights.

I still have to plan my day. This job is a little tricky in that I have to do it, generate my own leads. It's challenging.

Feeling ok. Life has been going a little fast so I may need to slow it down a bit.

Have an amazing day!

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