Good morning! Made it through a kinda tough day. I couldn't resist messaging him and telling him I wasn't going to be able to unsee his behavior the other night. His only response, "you were with someone." I, of course, replied "my married friend." I'm just sad.
Went to the Dugout with my dogs and grabbed some dinner after working for hours on my lead report AND starting my book! It's going well. 3 whole pages. Lol. You have to start somewhere! I started with what is most important to figure out when first coming out of crisis... figuring out who you want on your team! Dissecting events. Figuring out the intention of others.
I'm excited I was invited at the Dugout to a party Sat by a girlfriend. A good girl. Yes! I was known for getting into trouble and I hope to get past it.
I started to try to write more this morning already but Diesel plopped himself on my lap, where my laptop needs to go. Hmmm.... maybe could put book in cloud so I can work on it on my phone like I do these posts. I'm a little excited.
Last night G came over for awhile. Had a fire, music, and a vacuum fixed. I'm back in business. Would be nice if he were available. Still, it's nice to be friends.
Today I need to work. It's Monday. Try on the clothes I purchased since I didn't get to it yesterday. Give the house a good vacuuming. Pick up my electric log fireplace from Home Depot. Yay! And. Ugh. I hate shopping for groceries by myself. It's one of the things I like least about being single.
Meds/vitamins check. Dogs. Coffee. Great sleep. I think I'll listen to PepTalk for a bit and write.
Have an amazing day!